“We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own—indeed to embrace the whole of creation in all its diversity, beauty, and wonder.” —Wangari Maathai

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What We Believe

The Church of Deep Ecology finds value in the teachings of many cultural and religious traditions which embrace a respect for the Natural world. We find the natural world is a subtle balance of complex inter-relationships in which the existence of organisms is dependent on the existence of others within ecosystems. Human interference with or destruction of the natural world poses a threat  not only to humans but to all organisms constituting the natural order.

We believe in the realities of everyone's gender and love as each individual experiences it.

We believe and support reproductive freedom, including the right to abortion, education and access to healthcare

We believe in progressing to a vegan diet that is less reliant on highly processed foods and industrial agriculture

Inclusion and

Systems of power, privilege, and oppression have traditionally created barriers for persons and groups with particular realities, ages, abilities, and histories. We vow to fight against these barriers.

Defending Nature

The Philosophy of Deep Ecology demands that we walk our talk. You will find us where ever there is a need to defend nature.

Tax Deductable

The Church of Deep Ecology, as a Federally recognized religious non-profit, has many projects. Would you like to work with us to bring a better world into existence?

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Ongoing projects

Environmental defense

Church members are apart of many campaigns and movements. Here you will find links to supported organizations and campaigns

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Reproductive freedom

In the US the basic right to self determination in under attack.  Here you will find many resources for reproductive choice

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Jail support /
grand jury resistance
imprisoned activist and grand jury resistance list
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All sexuality  inclusion

We respect and acknowledge all sexuality and realities of an individuals existance and believe they deserve equal treatment

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the Unhoused,

60% of american house holds live pay check to paycheck, yet the US government has recently made it illegal to be unhoused

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Grand Jury Resistance
Cyprus is a trans woman, a folk punk musician, Church of Deep Ecology member, and an activist